In January of 1999, Pastors Eric and Jodi Van Rhee and three other families moved from The Coastlands Foursquare Church in Santa Clara, California, with God's vision to plant a church and reach people for Christ in the Salt Lake Valley. 


The Adventure held its first public service in January of 2000 at a Hampton Inn and grew and outgrew one facility after another. Within its first three years, the Adventure met in ELEVEN different locations, finally settling in its current location in Draper in 2003. 


In January of 2016, Jodi, who had been the Worship Pastor and Co-Pastor with Eric, became the Lead Pastor, as Eric set his sights to reaching people for Christ in the Philippines, Taiwan and China, spreading the Good News of Jesus by means of film and media.  

However, only a few weeks later on February 18, 2016, Eric unexpectedly went to be with the Lord. Although deeply grieved, the Adventure carried on with the vision of seeing the broken made whole, the bound set free, the spiritually dead come to life in Christ, and people released in the calling and purpose for which they were created.

We have seen God impact many lives in mighty ways for more than 20 years, and we invite you to be part of all God continues doing in and through Adventure Church! 

Learn more about our beliefs, mission, vision, and more on the menu bar above.


The Adventure is a Christian church affiliated in relationship and accountability with The Foursquare Church and is part of the Western District of churches. Foursquare exists to glorify God and advance His kingdom. Jesus Christ's command is to preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations (Mark 16:15Matthew 28:19). Therefore, we are "dedicated to the cause of inter-denominational and worldwide evangelism." 

The call of The Foursquare Church is to preach Jesus ChristGod's Son, as the SaviorBaptizer with the Holy SpiritHealer and coming King. Our mission is to develop healthy, growing churches. Our commitment is to plant national churches around the world led by loving servants of Jesus Christ. Churches developed in this manner will reproduce again and again. This makes possible the spread of the gospel to those who have not heard or accepted the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

The Foursquare foundational scripture is, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8, emphasizing our belief in God's unchanging power and authority in and through our lives.

Learn more about our beliefs, mission, vision, and more on the menu bar above.